Monday, February 05, 2007


I wish I had better news to report about my health, but I don't. The road to recovery is going to be a long one. After taking the radioactive iodine pill, I felt great for a couple of weeks. But then things started going downhill again. Tests showed my hormone levels went from abnormally high to very low. One awful side effect are muscle cramps I mentioned in an earlier blog entry. I get them several times a day and they hurt like hell. The doctor prescribed medicine to boost my hormone level, but it hasn't helped yet. I've put off building the Woodcrest system indefinitely because every time I bend or do strenuous physical work, I get cramps. Frustrating.

1 comment:

sierrabound said...

The doctor just prescribed a muscle relaxant pill. He said it often does not help. But I figure it's worth a try anyway.