Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Favorite things

Today a look at some of my favorite things. One of my hobbies is growing peonies, the queen of all flowers. My late father was a professional gardener and my late mother grew flowers and arranged them the traditional Japanese way known as Ikebana. I didn't have much interest in gardening when I was young. But after my mother died I started growing flowers. Maybe it's my way of remembering her and my father. I need to spend more time in the garden this year. I was obsessed with computers last year and neglected my flowers. Peonies take a long time to settle in. But it's worth the wait because the flowers are glorious. The one pictured above is called High Noon. Yellow peonies are among the best.

1 comment:

sierrabound said...

She should buy the peony roots. Seeds would take too long. There are some good peony farms. I would recommend Caprice Nursery in Oregon. But there are others that may be closer to you in Canada.