Friday, October 26, 2007


I have converted most of my machines used for distributed computing to 64-bit operating systems. I and others have discovered that a x64 OS will boost production (i.e. generate more points on a daily basis). A year or so ago, this was not really needed since BOINC (the distributed computing client that I use) was available only as a 32-bit program. But there is a 64-bit version now. I have found that the x64 client, combined with a x64 OS, will increase production by 10-15%.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Server 2008

One of my machines used for distributed computing is now running on Windows Server 2008 (Release Candidate 0). The operating system will be officially released in late February. It runs BOINC, CPU-Z and the CoreTemp program just fine. One of the main features of Server 2008 is its virtualization capabilities. I have not had a chance to play with the OS. As soon as it was installed, I immediately put it to work on distributed computing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I will be building another system soon. It will be used for distributed computing only. I ordered a Q6600 quad-core (G0 stepping) and an Abit IP35 Pro. I've heard good things about the Abit board, so I will give it a try.

Thanks to the cooler weather, I can run my machines at slightly higher speeds. During the summer, the room temperature got unbearable at times. Computers generate more heat than people think. In an effort to conserve energy, I tried not to use the A/C a lot. But now, that's not a problem. My cat spends more time with me because the room where I have my systems running is the warmest one in the house. Cats always know the coolest and warmest places when they want to take a nap.