Linux has come a long way in a very short time. It's so enjoyable using an operating system that didn't cost me a cent, except for the cost of burning a downloaded ISO onto a DVD. But having said that, I don't think I'm ready to completely abandon Windows. Linux, for example, does not support my X-Fi card, which is a shame. Also, there are programs that work better in Windows. You get credit for more folding points in Windows than in Linux. I'm told the folding project in which I'm participating (World Community Grid) is beta testing a new scoring system that will offer more fairness to Linux users.
I've created a dual boot system, so it's easy to switch back and forth between Windows and Linux. The latest version of Ubuntu (6.10) makes it very easy to create a dual-boot. All you need is some unallocated space on your HDD. No need to manually create a swap file. The installation program does it for you.